Based on Aldous Huxley‘s groundbreaking novel, Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself. As citizens of New London, Bernard Marx (Harry Lloyd, Game of Thrones, The Theory of Everything) and Lenina Crowne (Jessica Brown Findlay, Winter’s Tale, Downton
Posted by Lily, Associate Editor on December 17, 2018 When a rumor recently surfaced that Netflix was pulling “Friends” from its lineup at the end of the year, Twitter collectively lost its mind. No need to panic yet (Netflix has the rights to the ’90s phenomenon till the end of 2019), but the uproar proved
Whew! 2020 has really been a trying time, and it looks like it tried Tyrese and his wife Samantha’s marriage. Tyrese and Samantha both took to Instagram to share that they have chosen to go their separate ways by ending their marriage in divorce. The couple were married for four years, and their statement reads
Instagram @beleafretreat Ready for a reset? Looking for a healthier lifestyle in 2021? beLeaf Retreat is a fun, immersive and informative virtual weekend to inspire you to attain a healthier future. It’s a safe way to connect and play with others and your family while learning how to lessen your carbon footprint and impact on
Simonetta Lein is one of the most accomplished women in the world. A top model, fashion influencer, tv host, author, philanthropist and businesswoman, Simonetta has turned the Covid-19 pandemic into an opportunity to stand out in the world by creating The Simonetta Lein Show, with millions of viewers and followers. We asked Simonetta some questions