How to Get Justice After a Brain Stem Injury in Chicago

Traumatic Brain Stem Injuries, or TBSIs, are severe injuries that can change your life, leave you in a coma, or even kill you. Often they are the result of extreme trauma, such as a collision with a semi. Whatever the cause, your life will change forever— and you’ll likely see costs piling up. When you have a TBSI, you have to worry about medical costs, lost wages, and getting used to a new way of life. If you’re hospitalized, your family has to handle these concerns. And if you die from your injury, they have to make up for your lost income, pay the medical costs, and find a way to cover funeral and burial costs.

It’s important to have a plan in the case of severe medical injuries like brain stem injuries both for continuing care and for seeking justice and compensation.

Let’s Talk About the Brain Stem

Your brain stem has three major components and acts as a connector between your brain and the rest of your body. An injury to the brain stem can lead to a wide range of issues, from balance problems to paralysis and even death. Unfortunately, this critical piece is in a vulnerable position of the body, which makes it entirely too susceptible to injury. It can also be injured by proxy— perhaps you suffered a head injury, and the resultant swelling damaged your brain stem. This is part of the reason you should never leave head injuries to chance— always seek medical attention!

Damage to your brain stem can have disastrous consequences, and you will need to learn a whole new routine.

How to Cope with Brain Stem Damage

If you survive a brain stem injury, you will have to go through a treatment regimen put together by your doctor. These can include speech, physical, and occupational therapy, medication to mitigate symptoms or pain, and learning how to use mobility aids. Life does go on after a severe injury like TBSI, but there is a lot to adjust to. It is also recommended to seek therapy or counseling to help cope with PTSD and the drastic changes to your life.

How Brain Stem Injuries Occur

Brain Stem injuries can be blamed on traumatic experiences like car accidents. Any violent experience to your head or neck can lead to this condition and the resultant effects. If you are in an accident, it is always important to seek medical attention even if you feel fine. Between the shock and the memory issues that can be caused by a good knock to the head, you may not realize how serious an injury was until it’s too late.

Why You Should Speak to a Chicago Lawyer About Your TBSI

If you were involved in an accident or if someone’s actions led to your injury, you may have a case to make them cover your medical costs and lost wages. You or your loved one should gather all the information you have, such as medical records and photos from the incident and injury, and schedule a free consultation with an expert personal injury lawyer. First and foremost, they can determine if you have a case to seek compensation. Then, they’ll help you strengthen it.

Your lawyer will help you gather more evidence and calculate damages. They may reach out to your doctors or other medical experts for additional testimony. Then, they’ll reach out to the at-fault party. Additionally, your lawyer may have connections and resources for you, as Chicago is full of helpful organizations for those with disabilities and severe injuries or who have been through a traumatic experience.

What to Expect When Seeking Compensation for a TBSI

You need to trust your lawyer to act on your behalf. These cases can be complicated and time-consuming, so there may be stretches of time where you don’t hear anything. Your lawyer is working to negotiate with insurance adjustors and potentially other lawyers. With so many parties involved and a ton of paperwork, it’s a long but necessary process. You should spend your time focusing on your treatment plan. If anyone reaches out to you about the case, and especially if they want you to sign something, don’t speak with them. Instead, give them the number for your attorney. Some companies may attempt to lowball you or trick you into signing something to protect their own bottom line; your lawyer will handle it. If there is a settlement, they’ll bring you in to discuss the agreement before you sign anything.

If there isn’t a settlement, you may have to go to court. Once again, you’ll follow your lawyer’s guidance. While they can’t legally coach you on exactly what to say, they can help you understand courtroom etiquette and give you example questions you may need to answer. In the courtroom, they’ll do the heavy lifting, but you may be called to the stand to testify.

It sounds like a lot to handle, and it can be. But the compensation you receive from a successful case is worth it to avoid going into debt due to your injuries. It also holds the responsible party accountable for their actions. For the most part, your lawyer will take care of the stressful things and deadlines— you should focus on your recovery. 


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