What you Need to Know Before Getting a Family Cat

What you Need to Know Before Getting a Family Cat

Cats have found their way into the hearts, homes, and lives of millions of pet owners today. With their majestic poise, charming elegance, and indescribable antics, it is no wonder more than 17% of households in the UK now have a feline member. But before you adopt the first purring kitten that charms you with its whiskers and claws, there are some things to know.

Pet ownership is not just about providing food and shelter. A cat in the home is another living being with health concerns, emotional needs, educational goals, and plenty of opinions. If you are looking for some tips on how to give your furry friend the best life, here are some things to keep in mind.

A Balanced Diet

The most fundamental needs your feline companion will have are food and water. Begin by keeping a fresh supply of water available for your dog at all times. Then take the time to consider the food your cat will need to live the best life possible. This will mean more than just grabbing the first packet off the shelf at the store.

The food for your cat should be chosen for their age, level of activity, etc. Different foods are better suited to the needs of kittens and full-grown house cats and take the needs of their teeth, jaws, and digestive system into consideration.

You will have to check what cat food is readily available to you at your local store, although online shopping can provide you with a greater variety of options with more reliable availability of raw cat food. Dry cat foods have more carbs than wet cat foods and this could be bad for your cat’s health. It is very important to consider the dietary needs of your cat just like you would care for your dog, or even yourself. Cats will not survive on a vegetarian diet and have a harder time digesting carbs, like grains. With this in mind, be sure to look for foods that are low in carbs and high in proteins and fats.

This doesn’t mean that you will have to cut carbs from your cat’s diet completely, in most cases moderation is the important point to keep in mind. Most importantly, if your pet is getting a balanced diet through the food they eat, they will not need any supplemental vitamins or minerals.

Provide enough litter boxes!

According to the advice from the experts, the proper ratio of cat litter boxes to cats in the home is 1:1 and then another one for good measure. This will prevent such unpleasant issues as cats urinating across the home and even prevent medical conditions like feline urethral obstruction.

It is equally important to choose the right type of litter box for your specific needs. It can be difficult to choose between the covered and uncovered options, as this depends largely on the cat’s personality and size. Covered litter boxes are nice because they provide a measure of privacy, but they might not be comfortable for larger cats and they may have a harder time getting in and out of the box. The covered type of litter box also does a better job of trapping odors than the regular sort and this can be a good thing if you live in a smaller house or one without much ventilation.

Uncovered litter boxes also come with specific advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, they don’t contain the dust or smell very well, and cats will scatter their litter far and wide. This makes them less hygienic than the other types of litter boxes. If you aren’t sure what the best type of litter box is, you can try both and see which gets a better reaction with your cat.

If you have cats that are especially large, small, fluffy, or hairless, your cat may have other needs in a litter box. If you buy the right size and type from the very beginning, this is not something that will have to be replaced. But no matter what you choose, remember the rule of litter box care, keep it clean and keep it fresh.


Water is the element that brings life and this is true for our furry friends as it is for us and just about any other living thing on the planet — with the possible exception of viruses that are neither alive nor dead.

As for the DHC, domestic house cats come from a proud race that once lived in the deserts of the Middle East. Thus, they get a lot of their moisture from the food they eat, and feeding them canned food is better for their health than giving them dry food. Canned food is about 75% to 80% moisture just like the mouse which is their favorite natural food. But no matter what type of food you are giving your cat always provides them with plenty of fresh water.

Spay and neuter

The problem with stray and feral cats is a considerable one across the UK and most countries of the world. In the UK many homeless cats and strays roam the countryside and it is important to keep all cats spayed and neutered. This is also good for the health of your cat. In females, spaying reduces the chances of uterine problems and breast tumors. Male cats will avoid prostate and testicular cancer through proper spaying techniques. Furthermore, there are several important behavioral benefits from spaying your kittens and cats and this will make your lives happier.

A good night’s sleep

Cats will sleep most of the day and you can provide them with many amenities for their sleeping schedule. Pet beds are available in a wide selection of sizes, shapes, and decors. Just choose the one that your cat will like best.

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Danor Aliz is a lifestyle journalist who enjoys writing about everything luxury. Her favorite subjects are luxury travel and everything that has to do with fashion. In her spare time, she loves to paint and also enjoys her time walking her dog Daisy.


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