Review: “Invisible Stranger” by The PondHawks

Review: “Invisible Stranger” by The PondHawks

Amidst the fiery plague ridden cities remaining locked and isolated, where masks became the new fashion rage and everyone you meet is met with caution there lurks an “Invisible Stranger”….for some a death sentence, for others a loss of the way life was. But for the Chicago based duo The PondHawks, an early warning, an inspiration and a hit song.

Lead singer and guitarist Mario Novelli and keyboard synth player and haunting harmonious vocalist Jorie Gracen together are the perfect storm. Heavily Beatle influenced, the band paints colorful stories while creating upbeat riffs. They are followed by over 600,000 fans and their social media presence cannot be ignored.

The duo belongs in the limelight as one of the best indie bands currently producing songs today. Their songs are all original and produced by the Grammy nominated faction. “Invisible Stranger” will go down as an anthemic part of history. Many artists have become very creative during this bleak time in history. The PondHawks are no exception, giving the world amazing music to get through difficult times.

5/5 Stars

Listen to “Invisible Stranger” by The PondHawks on Reverbnation here:

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